One For All is a popular universal remote that can do all the functions of a TV remote. In addition to TV, you can control a set-top box, DVD Player, soundbar, streaming device, and gaming console. For this purpose, you need to program a One For All universal remote to the corresponding device with or without using remote codes. In this guide, you will learn the remote codes along with One For All remote setup instructions in detail.
One For All Remote Codes
We have listed the remote codes according to the alphabetical order of the device brand name.
Brand Remote Codes Acer 35561, 23456, 21222 Acoustic Solutions 22666, 22312, 23456, 15556 Acronn 26616 ADL 16456 AEG 25212, 22223, 22312 Airis 26616 Aiwa 44121 Akai 31331, 21161, 35526, 33222, 41453, 22312, 25212, 11565, 11655, 15556, 21131, 22452, 22666, 35311, 14261, 23456, 11212 Akito 11212 Akura 11212, 14143, 15556, 21262, 22223, 24214, 25444, 34155, 23221, 22312, 14261 Alba 31331, 35446, 15556, 11212, 14261, 26616, 35452, 41315, 22312, 33222, 36425, 13126, 14143, 23456 Alien 15556 Amitech 23432 Amstrad 11212 Andersson 22312, 31331 Ansonic 14143, 35241 AOC 22316, 24546, 24265, 21264, 31156, 36425, 13632, 42261 Apex Digital 26144 Aquivo 22345 AquaVision 22345 Arçelik 34145, 34632 Ardem 14261, 11212 Arena 11212 ART 15556 Art Mito 22312 AS 22666, 22312, 23456, 15556 Atec 22345 Audiovox 23456 Audiosonic 33222, 11212, 14261, 21131, 24214 Auria 24466, 24265 Autovox 31331, 22312 AVtex 26314 Awa 34243, 33261 Axess 35456 Axxion 42234 Aya 31331, 22312
Brand Remote Codes B & O 13623 Baier 25115 Baird 36462, 42213, 33261, 35424 Bang & Olufsen 13623 Base 22245 Baur 13323 Bauer 25212 Bauhn 35526, 35631 Basic Line 14143, 15556 BBK 24525 Beaumark 11565 Beko 34145, 11212, 21131, 14535, 14261, 34632 Belson 32251, 34243 BenQ 43312 Bestwell 21161 Beon 11212 Berthen 14143 Bensten 21161, 22245 BGH 24525 Brandt 14261, 13632, 31331, 34243, 34633, 14535, 22312, 44121, Black Diamond 15556, 23612 Blaupunkt 11634, 42213 BuBuGao 24525 Blu:sens 41554 Blue Media 22345 Blue Sky 14261, 14143, 11212, 15556, 13632, 21262 Bluesky 11212, 14261, 15556, 13632, 14143, 21262 Bluetech 26616, 34334, 35241 bogo 26616, 35311 Bork 21262 BPL 11655 Broksonic 23543 Blauren 25365 Bush 11212, 22312, 36515, 24214, 35446, 22452, 22316, 14261, 35452, 14143, 24254, 35424, 13126, 14132, 21131, 23456, 31331, 15556, 41315, 36425, 22223,
Brand Remote Codes Cabletech 34243 Camper 11212 Canox 35526 Carad 15556, 14143 Carena 11212 Cathay 22666, 11212 CCE 36413 Centrum 15556 Celestial 35631 cello 36515, 23221 Celcus 31331, 22312 Challenger 34334, 42224 Changhong 34633, 34243, 35631 Chimei 23435, 22525 CHL 33222 Cinex 22223 Clayton 15556 Clatronic 14261 Clarity 22655 CME 11212, 13323 CMX 32251, 34243, 34334, 33222 Coby 35145 Condor 11212 Conia 26364 Conrac 14535 Contec 11212 Currys Essentials 26413 CPTEC 21262, 13632 Crown 11212, 14261,14143, 34334, 15556, 34633, 11655 Continental Edison 31331, 41453 Curtis 21161, 26144, 35432
Brand Remote Codes Daewoo 25422, 23612, 11212, 13645, 25365, 14132, 24525, 22345, 23432, 26364 Daewoo Display 25422 Dansai 11212, 11655 Dantax 31331, 15556, 14261 Days 26616 De Graaf 11655 DEC 21161 Decca 11212 Denver 23221, 26364, 33222, 25212, 42234 Desmet 11212 Dew 23221 Dex 34334 DEXP 34633 Dick Smith Electronics 34243, 21161, 22223 Dicra 33656 Differo 31331 Disney 23543 Digihome 31331, 43612 Digital Device 22345 Digitor 11212 Digitrex 33553, 33222 Dikom 31331, 26616, 34334, 35311 Digatron 11212, 32325 diVision 25212 Dixi 11212 DL 21161, 21262 DMTech 24244, 23432 DNS 34633, 35311 Doffler 35311, 43155, 34633 Domeos 14143 Donghai 35526, 11212, 35311, 14143, 15556 DSE 34243, 21161, 22223 Durabrand 14261, 15556 Durabase 31331 Dual 22312, 33222, 25212, 15556, 31331, 35526, 36515, 14261 DW Display 25422 Dynatron 11212 D-Vision 25212, 11212
Note : If the Emerson TV remote is not working , you can control the TV with a One For All universal remote. For that, you need to program the remote with the below-mentioned Emerson TV remote code .
Brand Remote Codes Easy Living 22525, 24252, 16456, 21131 ECG 34243, 25212, 34633 EGL 35526 Elonex 23231 Electrolux 22312 Elfunk 15556, 16443 Electrograph 23154 Emerson 23612, 14143, 14261 e-motion 42213, 22452 Enox 36515 Essentials 26413 Epson 41321 Epworth 44121 Erisson 34633, 44121, 35311, 33146, 33534 Envision 24466 e-Star 35311 EuroLine 24421 Europa 11212 Evesham Technology 22345, 16551 Evotel 26616, 35452 Excello 15556, 21161 Exquisit 11212
Brand Remote Codes F&U 31331 FairTec 22312, 26616 Favi 34465 Ferguson 13632, 13126, 25365, 11212, 11634, 15556, 25566, 22312, 31331, Fidelity 13323 Fisher 22312, 11655 Firstline 14261, 21262, 15556, 14143, 14535, 21131 Finlux 14261, 21262, 15556, 14143, 14535, 21131 31331, 22312, 14261, 11212, 14535, 22223, 16551 Finlandia 11655 Foehn & Hirsch 26134 Fox 35311 Fraba 11212 Fujitsu Siemens 22525, 14535, 16551 Funai United 31331 Funai 14261, 23336, 22525, 15556, 22326, 21353, 4143 Furrion 34334 Fusion 33146 Futronic 22312 Fujicom 31331
Brand Remote Codes Gaba 15556 GE 13632, 21522 GEC 11212 General Electric 13632, 21522 Genesis 11212 Gericom 22345, 16456, 14535 GoGen 31331, 22312 Gold 23221 Goldfunk 14143 GoldStar 11565, 14261, 11212, 33146 Goodmans 31331, 14261, 14535, 21131, 15556, 36515, 13645, 22312, 23612, 22452, 22655, 26136, 14132, 11212, 14143, 24214, 22666, 24421, 24252, 13632 Gorenje 22312, 31331 GPX 41343, 41336 Graetz 22312, 14261 Gran Prix 25212 Granada 11212, 11655 Grandin 34633, 14143, 14261, 11212, 22312, 15556, 31331 Grundig 21131, 13126, 24254, 11212, 34243, 22452, 34632, 32325, 16466, 11634, 26616, 34145, 33222, 31331, 14245, 24421 Grunkel 35311, 35241 GVA 35526, 34243, 24525, 26616, 33222, 21161, 21262
Note : If the Grundig TV remote is not working , use the above remote codes to program a One For All remote to your Grundig TV.
Brand Remote Codes H & B 14535, 24244 Haaz 14245 Haier 25516, 22245, 34465, 21161, 24214, 42135, 36425 Handic 31331 Hannspree 31633, 21235, 23231, 22316 Hanseatic 24244, 14132, 13632, 14535, 11212, 14261, 13645, Harper 44121, 35311 HB 14261 HB Ingelen 14261 Höher 31331, 14261, 22223, 34633 Hikona 24214 Hinari 11212 Hisawa 14261 Hisense 26146, 42224, 35254, 34243, 21262, 44631, 43155, 24344, 25612, 24525 Hitachi 22255, 22312, 24252, 35526, 11212, 15556, 21623, 13645, 22446, 31331, 13232, 25226, Hantarex 25212 Hightong 44121 Hugoson 16456, 22525 Humax 16666 Hypson 14261, 14143, 15556 Hyundai 22223, 22655, 23221, 34566, 35311, 22143, 31331, 22345, 26213, 21161, 14245, 15556, 22312
Brand Remote Codes Ideal 22223 i-INN 35311 Iiyama 16456 i-Joy 31432, 35311, 32251, 33222 Imperial 11212, 25566 Indiana 11212 Ingelen 14261 Ingo Devices 35241 Inno Hit 31331, 22312, 15556, 21131 Insignia 24364, 21161 Inspira 22223 Interfunk 11212, 13323 Internal 23612 Intervision 11212 Inves 35311 Isis 31331 ITT 31434, 31326, 26146, 31331 Izumi 34633
Brand Remote Codes Jay-tech 35526, 33222 JMB 31331, 13126, 13645 John Lewis 26314 JQ 21131 JTC 35526, 33222 Just Quality 21131 JVC 23341, 23225, 36645, 25536, 42463, 33146, 14116, 31331, 34243, 24252 Kalley 26245, 42224 Karcher 22223, 14261 Kendo 15556, 11212, 22312, 31331 Kenmark 26136 Kennex 15556, 34243 Kenstar 26555 Keymat 21161, 22245 Kiton 14143 Kneissel 11212 Kogan 34243, 34633, 42622, 35311 König 11212, 13323 Konka 14261, 11212 Krüger&Matz 34631, 34243 Kunft 34633 Kunft 31331
Note : You can control the Kogan TV with a One For All universal remote in case the Kogan TV remote is not working .
Brand Remote Codes L&S Electronic 14261, 14535 Lava 25212 Lavic 21262 Lavis 15556 Lecson 11212 Lenco 42234, 31331, 24214 LG 22436, 11565, 14261, 23415, 42134, 11212, 41236, 23451, 25145, Liberton 33534 Lifetec 14143, 24244, 15556, 14261, Linetech 31331 Linsar 31331, 22312, 35526 Listo 42234 Lodos 15556 Loewe 13323, 23531, 13644, 23411 Logik 34631, 22312, 42421, 36534, 26413, 16456, 15556, 23456 Lowry 34155 Luma 15556 Lumatron 14143 Lumenio 11212 Luxor 15556, 31331
Brand Remote Codes Madison 11212 Magnavox 25663, 24421, 31655 Magnum 14261, 11212 Majestic 35526, 35241 Manesth 11212 Manhattan 15556, 11212 Manta 35311, 34334 Maqma 22345 Marantz 22143, 11212 Mark 11212, 14261 Marks & Spencer 23221 Mascom 22223, 25212 Master 41453 Masters 11212 Masuda 11212 Matsui 13126, 24254, 11655, 22525, 11212, 14261, 26616, 26413, 31331, 15556, 22312, 11634 Maxent 23154 Maxim 22223 Medion 14143, 22312, 42233, 14535, 24244, 22223, 43135, 15556, 43442, 31331, 42234, 33222, 21131, 16551, 14261, MEI 15556 Melectronic 11634, 13645, 14261, 13323, 14132 Memorex 15556 Metronic 13632 Metz 22144, 15556, 22436 Micromaxx 14535, 14261, 24244 Microstar 14535 Miia 32251 Mikomi 22312, 21131 Minato 11212 Minerva 16551 Mirai 22525, 23435 Mitsai 34633, 15556, 22223 Mitsubishi 16553, 13323, 15556, 11212 Mitsubishi Electric 16553, 13323, 15556, 11212 Mivar 13564, 26125 Moree 11212 mp man 33222, 34243 MTC 13323 MTlogic 14261, 21131 Multitec 15556, 22223 Murphy 31331, 24252 Mx Onda 24214 My TV 33261 Myrica 22525 Mystery 34243, 33146, 35311
Brand Remote Codes NAD 11212 Naiko 11212 Naxa 34465, 34614 NEC 34136, 26332, 14132, 22345, 11212, 14116 NEI 11212, 35526, 15556 Neon 36515 NeoniQ 26364 Neufunk 14261 Nevir 35311, 31331 New Acoustic Dimension 11212 Next 31331 Nexus 22235 Nikkai 11212 Nikkei 31331, 22312, 25212, 14261 Nordmende 31331, 26555, 21424, 14261, 21131, 24244, 22312, 35311, Nortek 14143 NPG 34633 Nu-Tec 26364, 33261
Brand Remote Codes O.K.Line 15556, 22223 Oceanic 41453, 35526 OK Line 15556, 22223 OK 31331, 34633, 33146 Okano 33511 OKI 31331, 22312, 21131, 34633, 32462 Ölevia 22353 Omni 22245 Onimax 14261 Onn 22312, 23221 Onyx 23221 Opera 23221, 14261, 21131 Opticum 35526 Orava 35311, 15556 Oriental Pacific 21262 Orion 24252, 13126, 36645, 15556, 24244, 14535, 34633, 24254, 31331, 24543, 14261, 11212, Otic 24214, 21161 Otto Versand 13323, 11212
Brand Remote Codes Pacific 14261, 13126, 15556 Packard Bell 35561 Palladium 14261, 11212 Palsonic 26332, 42234, 21161, 42622, 11212, 26364, 33222 Panasonic 22435, 22461, 11212, 21615, 43612 Pendo 34633, 42622 Philco 34621, 26213 Philips 31655, 36121, 23135, 25663, 13323, 21661, 11212 Phoenix 11212 Phonola 11212 Pilot 14245 Pioneer 16611, 11212, 22435, 21536, 26325 Pionier 22223 Playsonic 14261, 11212 Plustron 23221 Polaroid 34243, 31331, 22452, 21336, 22316, 35452, 22655, 35526, 44121 Powerpoint 11212, 23221 Phocus 21131, 14261 Pragma Digital 14535 Premier 34566, 36432, 33534 Princess 21161 Pro Vision 14261, 25212 Profilo 22223 ProLine 13645, 22312, 31331, 15556, 26136, 35311, 34633, 13632, 22666, 11212, Proscan 26616, 43542 Prosonic 31331, 24244, 25212, 21131, 22312, 23221, 23456, 14261, 23432, Protech 11212, 14143, 15556 Pulier 35526, 35631, 21131 Pye 11212
Brand Remote Codes Q.Bell 26616, 34334 Q.Media 25566 Quadro 26616, 31331, 34633, 22312, 21161, 34334 QuantumFX 35456 Quartek 22345 Quasar 42362 Quelle 13323, 11212, 15556 Radiola 11212 Radiomarelli 11212 Radionette 14261 Radiotone 14143, 11212, 15556 RCA 36432, 34465, 34566, 13632, 31525, 35254, 35432 RefleXion 42234, 33222 Relisys 22312, 22452 Reoc 14261, 25212 Revox 11212, 14535 Roadstar 15556, 14261, 14143 Rolsen 24244, 24525, 33222, 34633 RTF 11212 Rubin 35311
Brand Remote Codes Saba 31331, 13632, 24252, 35311, 14261, 32462, 34633, 22312, Saga 25212 Saivod 15556, 11212, 22223, 14143, Salora 31331, 25212, 24244, 22223, 33222 Sampo 23154 Samsung 24366, 41655, 11212 Sandstrøm 26146, 33146, 25212 Sansui 35331, 23543, 14245, 22223, 21161, 22666 Sanyo 16443, 11655, 33311, 16253, 26332, 22312, 31331, 21615, 15556 ScanSonic 31331 Sceptre 25564, 26523, 41126 Schaub Lorenz 22312, 25212, 24244, 34155, 14261, 21131, 25444, 41453, 31331 Schneider 14143, 35311, 14261, 15556, 31331, 41523, 11212, 22312, 43612 Schneider Electric 14143, 35311, 31331, 22312, 43612, 41523, 11212, 14261, 15556 Schöntech 15556 Scott 33261, 24214 Seaway 13645 Seeltech 41453, 34155 Seelver 15556 SEG 15556, 13645, 33222, 14143, 34633 Seiki 41315 Seiko Epson 41321 Selecline 34243 Semp Toshiba 34243 Sencor 44121, 33222, 34633, 34334, 14261, 34243, 25212 Sens 23456 Sharp 22514, 25643, 31331 Shivaki 25212, 33222, 26616, 11212, 14143, 35311 Siemens 11634, 11212 Silva Schneider 25212, 11212, 22223 SilverCrest 31331, 43135, 15556 Singer 22223 Sinudyne 31331 Sky Media 22345 Skyworth 44121 SLX 14143 Smart Tech 35311 S-Media 16456 Snow 22312 Sogo 33222, 42234 Sonic 33511 Soniq 33511, 35651 Sonitron 11655 Sonolor 11655 Sony 23352, 21656, 42226 Soundwave 11212 Sphere 33222 Stan Line 35526 Starion 15556 Strong 44121 SunBriteTV 25564 Sungoo 24344, 16551 Sungpo 31331, 22514, 25643 Sunny 11212, 22436 Sunstech 31331, 24244 Superior 22312 Supersonic 35456 Supra 32462, 44121, 43155, 34633, 33146 Supratech 25231 Swedx 22345 Swisstec 22345, 23432, 23231 Symphonic 22326, 23336 Syntax 22353 Sysline 11212
Brand Remote Codes Tatung 22655, 11212, 16551, 22223 Tauras 25212 TCM 14535, 21131, 14261, 24244 TD Systems 31331 Teac 15165, 23612, 21262, 11565, 14143, 22436, 13323, 22452, 24214, 33222, 33453, 11212, 15556, 14245, 25123, 14261, 23154, 23221, Tec 11212 Tech Line 22312, 31331, 22435 Technica 15556, 25123, 31331 Technical 31331 Technika 42213, 25123, 25212, 22312, 33222, 31331, 23456, 24214, 23432, Technisson 14261 Techno 22312 TCL 33146, 33534, 14245, 26245, 31326, 15165, 34621, 31434 Technosonic 13632, 21161 Techwood 22312 TELE System 31331, 22312, 15556 Telefac 11212 Telefunken 33146, 34633, 14261, 14535, 22223, 33222, 35452, 31331, 13632, 35311, 44121, 22312, 34243 Teletech 31331, 15556 Tensai 34243 Terris 34243 Tesla 44121, 11212, 15556, 14261 Tosumi 23221 Tevion 14261, 22223, 14143, 14535, 22452, 26332, 15556, 25566, 34155, 25212, 25444, 16551, 22312, Thes 32446, 32462 13632 Thomson 13632, 33146, 21522, 31434, 31326, 33534 Thorn 13323 Tokai 35526, 11212, 35311, 14143, 15556 Tokaido 15556 Toshiba 21663, 31331, 11634, 31463, 24543, 22131, 33413, 15556, 31121 Tosonic 21663 Thomas/Thomas America 13632 TRANS-continents 14143, 15556 Transonic 35311, 13323, 21262, 11212, 21161 Trevi 35311 Trio 16551 Tristan AuronTucson 35311 Tucson 31331 TV Star 35311 TVE 35452
Brand Remote Codes Ultravox 22312 U-max 34633, 34243, 35631 UMC 25123, 23432, 42213, 22345 United 33656, 34633, 23221, 14261, 35241, 24214, 25566, 34243, 15556, 26364, 44121, 11212, 22312, Universal 11212 Universum 15556, 14535, 11212, 13323, 14143 Upstar 42321 Utok 44121
Brand Remote Codes V7 Videoseven 22525, 16456, 23154, 24466 Vanguard 11212 VD-Tech 33222 VEON 35311, 35526, 34243 Veltech 36515 Venturer 22666, 23456 Venus 21161 Vestel 31331, 15556, 22312 Vistron 21262 Videoseven 22525, 23154, 24466, 16456 Viewsonic 24265, 24546, 36165, 23154, 22235, 31524, 24466 Visa 11212 VOX 31331 Videocon 26555, 34243 Vityas 33222 Vivax 21161, 21131, 43155 Vision 11212, 26364 VIZIO 23161, 31544 Vivid 35526, 21131, 35631 Voxson 25212, 11565 Vue 22245
Brand Remote Codes Walker 31331, 22312 Waltham 31331, 15556, 13126 Watson 15556, 14143, 14261, 16551 Wellington 31331 Welltech 14261 Weltstar 15556 Westinghouse 22643, 33222 Westwood 22312 Wharfedale 24214, 22223 White Westinghouse 11212 Windsor 15556, 14143, 31331 Wintel 14261 World-of-Vision 22345, 24244, 16456
X, Y&Z
Brand Remote Codes Xenius 22312, 14132, 31331, 13645 Xi-en 23221 Xiron 24214, 15556 Xomax 23221, 33222 Xoro 33222, 16456, 34334 Yamaha 22255 Yoko 11212 YU-MA-TU 11212 Yuntu 35526, 35631, 21131 Zenith 11565 Zephir 35526 Zepto 22312 Ziggo 23341
How to Program One for All Remote With Code
(1) Fetch your One For All remote then, press and hold the Setup button until the light flashes twice.
(2) Press the Device (TV, CABLE, VCR ) button on your remote.
(3) Now, enter the code for your device.
(4) If the LED light blinks twice , then you have successfully activated your remote on the device.
(5) Start controlling your device with the One For All remote.
Alternate Way to Program One For All Remote With Codes
(1) Press and Hold the Setup button on your remote.
(2) Enter 992 on the numeric pad. The light will blink twice.
(3) Now, press the device button on your remote.
(4) If the light blinks twice , enter the code for your device to program your One For All remote.
Note : If the remote codes don’t work, refer to our guide on How to program a One For All remote without codes .
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the One For All remote codes for TCL TV? 33146, 33534, 14245, 26245, 31326, 15165, 34621, and 31434 are the TCL TV remote codes that you can use while programming a One For All remote.
Where to buy a One For All universal remote? You can buy a new One For All universal remote by visiting the Amazon website.